Martial Arts History of Jack Bieler
Began Aikido training in Dallas under Jerry Scott, who studied with Karl Geis sensei in Houston, and Tim Larson, a student of Steve Duncan and JW Bode. Attended Fugakukai Winter Clinic at which Inoue Takeshi sensei taught Go Kata. Began long-term study with Karl Geis shihan, at semiannual week-long Houston seminars, weekend clinics in Oklahoma City, and weekend visits to Houston. ![]() Teachers who influenced me included Wilburne MacNease sensei and Henry Copelend sensei. Training partners to whom I am especially indebted include Will Gable, Brian Sullivan, and Terry Gibbs. ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Started practice of Fugakukai Jodo (kihon and seitei kata), with instruction from Karl Geis, L.F. Wilkinson sensei and Chris Thygusen sensei. Nick Lowry sensei in particular provided invaluable insight and direction. ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Attended Aikido and Tai Chi seminar taught by Miyake Tsunako shihan, on her return from the Chinese mainland. This included short and long standard forms, plus staff and cane forms. ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Started the Dallas Aikido Club at Dealy Recreation center, which later moved to Campbell Green. My first students included Mark Morgan, whose dedication and enjoyment have always inspired me, and my solid and unpretentious friend Gerry Brown. Briefly studied "modified Yang-Wu style" Tai Chi, as part of massage therapy certification. | ||||||||||||||
Attended Jodo seminar taught by Miyake Tsunako sensei, with assistant Oe Yoko sensei. Miyake sensei covered warmups, kihon and seitei kata 1-8, and presented the Chudan kata of SMR. | ||||||||||||||
Studied Judo with Kim Moser (now Mesa) sensei and Sheridan Simmond. Won second place in Nage no kata competition. Attended Judo seminars with Karl Geis, and Kata seminar taught by Fukuda Keiko sensei in 1995. ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Founded the Denton Aikido Club, at the Gold Horse Dojo of the Kundalini Yoga Ashram in Denton TX. Walter Lee, Steven Brown, Robert Ridout and Sam Tipton were my first students there. Later began teaching Jodo at the old Dojo on Locust Street, at Sam and Walter's insistence.
Began practicing Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu Iaido under John Ray sensei on 9/6/1997. ![]() John Ray sensei (ジョンレイ先生) | ||||||||||||||
Attended several Judo seminars on Kodokan Goshinjutsu -- two with Miyake Tsunako sensei and one with "Ace" Sukigara sensei. | ||||||||||||||
Began studying classical Jodo. Attended three Nihon Jodokai seminars with Kaminoda Tsunemori sensei and Rick Polland sensei, and one Guelph School of Sword Arts. ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Joined The Dojo of Traditional Japanese Martial Arts as partner to John Ray, teaching Tomiki-ryu Aikido and Jodo in Denton, Texas. ![]() | ||||||||||||||
Visited Yamashita Dojo and dojos of Tanida Hiroshi sensei and Kogushi Osamu sensei for Iaido training. | ||||||||||||||
Attended several Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo gasshuku with the Nihon Jodokai under Kaminoda Tsunemori sensei and Osato Kohei sensei, with instruction from Abe Osamu sensei and Yamaguchi Mitsuri sensei. Formed study group known as Texas Jodokai, dedicated to practice and promote the Jodo of Kaminoda sensei. Presented with Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo Okuiri-sho from Kaminoda Tsunemori sensei in Kashima, Japan, November 2011. ![]() Kaminoda sensei (神之田常盛先生) | ||||||||||||||
Attended seminar on Kodokan Goshinjutsu taught by Miyake Tsunako sensei and Karl Geis sensei. As of 24 June 2007, parted from the Fugakukai International Aikido Association. I am grateful to Karl Geis for the many years of instruction, to Miyake sensei for the brief but delightful and enlightening moments over the years, and to all the friends I have known and trained with. May their paths prosper.
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Attended Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo Intensives with Corey Comstock, Dan Pearson and Rich Friman of the Nihon Jodokai.
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The Denton Aikido Club joined its friends in the KazeUta Budokai, under the stewardship of Nick Lowry sensei.
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Presented with Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo Shomokuroku from Kaminoda Tsunemori sensei. |
Began study of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, studying under Roy Goldberg 7d Dairi Kyouju (Kodokai/DTRAJJ). Previously briefly introduced to Daito-ryu by (2013, 2015) Eric Pearson 1d Jun Kyoju Dairi (Matsuda line), and (2014) Howard Popkin 4d Kyouju Dairi (Roppokai/Ginjukai).
Jack Bieler is a computer programmer, training developer, manager and consultant. He has a Bachelor's degree in English Composition and Language, and is also a licensed massage therapist. He has been an audiovisual technician, stage hand, wine salesman and fry cook, and an unrequited writer.
Practical Examples of Aikido In My Experience (1993)
T'ai-chi Ch'uan and Aikido (1995)
Ritual In the Martial Arts (2002)
Muddling the Myth: The Mishandled Hero Story in Return of the Jedi (2002)
Effects of Federal District Court Politics on Fair Housing Decisions (2005)