Tegatana no Kata (Hand-blade forms) "Walking Exercise" Start with feet even, shoulder width apart. Stand on the balls of your feet. When moving, do not lean forward, backward or to the side. Keep body vertically aligned and even between the feet. Keep eyes forward, head up, chin in. 1. Forward step Slide left foot forward diagonally, lowering center. Keep toes in contact with the ground. Recover to left hanmi posture, raising center. Return by moving the back foot backwards, and return to starting stance. Move back again on right foot and recover to left hanmi. Return to center. Repeat with opposite feet. 2. Side step Slide left foot to side, recover to even stance. Return to center. Move again sideways to the right and recover. Return to center. Repeat with opposite feet. 3. Oblique step Slide forward with the left foot and turn to face right in an even stance. Return to starting position by doing the same with the right foot. Step forward again with right to face left, and return again to center. Step backward with right to face right, return, step backward with left, and return. 4. Forward strike Cock wrist, raise unbendable arm straight up to center, and step forward with left foot to hanmi stance. Return to center, lowering hand to waist. Repeat, stepping this time with right. Repeat, turning and stepping to the left, and repeat, turning to the right. 5. Overhand strike Same, except raise hand straight up sideways to directly overhead, then bring down to center whichever way you are facing. When turning, do so when hand is directly overhead. 6. Underhand strike Same, except sweep underhand in a big circle clearing the space in front of you, ending in an underhand push in front of you. 7. Petting The Dragon Step forward left, turning the left hand sideways, almost as if drawing a sword, but pushing. Step back to center, turning palm back down. Turn to the left side, turning palm up to push underhand to the left. Return to center. Repeat on right side. (Sometimes practiced taking a full turn to face right on the initial step.) 8. Pivot Step forward left, pointing foot slightly left in the direction you are going to go. Cock left wrist and raise hand to push up directly overhead. Step outside to turn 180 degrees to the rear. Settle to even posture. Repeat on right to return to starting position. Do the whole thing twice for the eight-count. 9. Chop Off The Head Half-step forward right, while turning left palm up on the left side. Right foot is slightly pointed right. Sweep left hand around while turning on the ball of the right foot to face 180 degrees to the rear in even stance. Lift palm to push overhead, then settle allowing hand to fall back to side. Repeat on opposite side. (To return to starting position, step slightly crossed with each initial step so your forward foot is directly in front of the rear one.) 10. Hip switch Take a full step forward with right foot, extending the left hand forward palm up, and recovering to hanmi stance. Turn on the balls of both feet, allowing hand to swing through until you are facing 180 to the rear with your wrist cocked and in the center. Reverse movement to face forward again, then step back with back foot to starting position. (In order to keep balance, step slightly crossed on initial step so that feet are in line, with the front foot turned slightly right and the back foot slightly left.) Repeat on opposite side. 11. Reverse Pivot 12. Wash Windows The last two movements are combined into one eight-count. Step forward with right foot directly in front of the left and turned slightly to the left, at the same time cocking the left wrist and raising the hand to push up directly overhead. Turn inside under hand to face rear in even stance, allowing hand to fall to side. Repeat on opposite side to return to starting position, but this time bring both hands up in front of you with wrists cocked. Step to the right rear and turn to face right in even stance, keeping hands directly in front of your shoulders. Reverse motion to return to starting position, letting your body drop and rise make a figure eight motion. Repeat on left side.