Alternate Description of the Walking Exercise The first three movements are steps. Diagonal. Move the body immediately in the direction you are going and allow yourself to rise back to equilibrium. Sideways. Different muscle pairs to get you moving and recover. Obliques. Turn the hips to face inwards as you move. The next three movements include the hands. Forward. Come straight up in front, cocking the wrist and leaving the arm as it was relaxed at your side. Overhand. Raise the hand straight up from your side overhead and bring down to center to push as you step. Underhand. Sweep hand overhead underhand and spiral in to center, pushing underhand as you step. The last six movements are facing changes. Turn. Step forward turning the arm out to enter and push as you rise back to equilibrium. Reverse to step back then turn to the side and step twisting the arm inwards to push underhand. Pivot. Start body moving, when foot stops body continues and swings around like a gate with a hinge on one side. Draw up and push overhead, since drawing in speeds up your turn. Reverse pivot. Other hand is up when your opposite foot starts moving. Hand is on the outside of the gate, so it swings around palm up, allowing a lift at the end. Hip Switch. Step forward with opposite foot. Let the hand fall and turn the hips to face as it swings through to directly behind. Inside pivot. Step forward with opposite foot turned inward. Push up and turn inside. Let hand fall to side. Outside oblique. Hold pushing hands up in front of shoulders. Step out to right rear corner and recover, then step back to front. Body drop and rise cause hands to make a figure eight.