O-WAZA JU PON Big Ten Defensive Throws 1. KUBI GURUMA Left posture. Parry inside wrist with left hand open, cup head with right, step back in left spiral. Hands finish on wrist. 2. KATA OTOSHI Left posture. Parry inside wrist left, block left shoulder with right, guide into roll down line of feet. 3. UDE GURUMA Left posture. Parry inside wrist left, cup inside of upper arm, step back in left spiral. Hands finish on wrist and elbow. 4. HIJI GURUMA Left posture. Parry inside wrist left, cup arm at elbow with right, step back in left spiral. Hands finish on wrist. 5. AIKI NAGE (IRIMI NAGE) Right posture. Parry outside wrist with right, drape left hand across back of neck, lead around in right spiral. When Uke rises to recover posture, reverse stance and clothesline across upper chest with right arm. 6. SHIHO NAGE Left posture. Parry inside wrist with left, stepping off line and feeding into right. Pivot and throw in backfall right. 7. USHIRO ATE Right posture. Parry outside wrist right, step left behind Uke, slide right hand to shoulder and drape left, step back right. 8. KOTE GAESHI Right posture. Parry with both handblades stepping back right. Take hand in left kotegaeshi position and throw with step. 9. USHIRO KUBI GATAME Begin Aiki Nage. As Uke rises to recover posture, slide left thumb across to right side of Uke's neck, reverse stance and pull the neck muscles across the jugular. Hold elbow lock against body with right wristlock, with Uke falling into the lock. Step back, release the locks, allow Uke to take backfall. 10. SHIZUMI OTOSHI Right posture. Wait until last instant, duck and curl at knees facing left, letting Uke take breakroll over back.